Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sunset Over St Kilda's

We were recommended to go to Stokehouse for dinner and drinks but the sunset we got was a bonus and it compensated for the one we missed at Port Campbell . It was an unscheduled stop but we just finished shopping at the DFO (right after landing from Alice Spring) and it was the best weather we have had in Melbourne since we arrived and we thought a stroll along the beach would be nice. Driving along St Kilda Road gave us a glimpse of some lovely Victorian houses with iron-wrought latticed balconies . Along with the view of ocean, I can imagine why a friend once told me that she used to love jogging along St.Kilda’s in the evenings.

We drove all the way down but couldn’t find Stokehouse the first time round and took a turn back and finally found the much raved Stokehouse. It wasn’t a fancy restaurant as I expected but a great place to have drinks , hang out and watch the sun set. It really did compensate the loss of the sunset at Port Campbell though the food was nothing to shout about. The scaffolding and railing that was partially blocked the view didn’t spoil the evening for us. And I even manage to take a great picture of Stokehouse with the rays of the sunset washing its buildings.

The evening had to end with us silly Malaysians shivering in the cold because we took seats outside and when the sun went down, no amount of coffee was going to keep us warm. Still St Kilda’s and Stokehouse with the sunset made a great combination.

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